Tuesday, June 28, 2011

5 reasons to use mycomedianlife.com

I know what your thinking and I am not David Copperfield. Why should I use a website that no one has even heard of? Well I have answer for you. P-Paul Pimpin (P-Paul who?) a comedian from North Carolina created a website that caters to mainly well comedians. It is a called mycomedianlife. So Mr. Pimpin asked me to review the website for it's usefullness.

1. It's useful you say?

I found the website useful. I believe that comedians everywhere can use it to support their craft. I love how Mr. Pimpin suggests you email him with any comments or suggestions. Hey the website has a lot of links to stores. Stores you say? Yes I would assume that Mr. Pimpin's idea for this to have stores that support the comedian. I was recently at a comedy show where the comedians performed with out a microphone, PA system, or even microphone stand. A stand-up comedians sin! Mr. Pimpin's site may have stopped those comedians from committing the sin. Damn comedians!!! How dare they!!

2. Do Comedians really need a website like this?

Well does the sun shine? Do cow's chew? Yes I believe this on is a no brainer. I am familiar with the comedic arts. I remember trying to piece voice recorders and microphones together from different stores all over town. It felt like a wild goose chase. Yes I ran after geese!! I am not ashamed. Should I be? Well Mr. Pimpin has made this simple for the average or not so average comedian he has brought the stores to you. Well not at your front door or anything, geez people, tough crowd. All you have to do is click on a link and bam your there. Almost like magic but not actual magic, internet magic ah you catch my drift! What can be easier? Mr. Pimpin also has links to airlines and hotels for you traveling or road comedians.

3. Does the website have anything to offer comedians?

Suprisingly the website has an interactive part to it. P-Paul Pimpin wrote that he feels comedians need to be able to interact with one another. So mycomedianlifehas a place for you as a comedian to leave comments. You can even leave anonymous comments. Mr. Pimpin tells me he wants to have a forum for comedic discussions. Pretty cool eeeh!!!

4. So what the heck is mycomedianlife?

Well I think for comedians this website has great implications. You can get that missing PA system,Mic stand, and microphone. I looked at one store link and man they have a portable PA system with a handle and all. Like airport luggage but a speaker!! This website even has music links. I just creamed. Just kidding! This website is great the first of it's kind for comedians everywhere.

5. Is it user friendly?

Is it user friendly? Can you click a mouse button? The navigation is kid proof. You don't have to be a genious. Mr. P-Paul Pimpin has even labeled where to go on the website. I encourage you to go to mycomedianlife and see for yourself. Explore have fun and leave comments. I have to go clean my pants.

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